Sony Promising “So Many Cool Things” at Gamescom 2013

Naturally involving the PS4 and PS Vita.

Sony had previously announced that it would be walking to Gamescom and showcasing more exclusive for the PlayStation 4. Of course, it’s rumoured that it will also be announcing the exact release date for the console which is currently being advertised for release this Holiday season.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe’s Tony Clark for his part is teasing some cool things for Gamescom on Twitter.

What could they be? We suppose the PS4 and PlayStation Vita hashtags are hints. Possibly.

Of course, there are other features for the PlayStation 4 that Sony can clarify at Gamescom such as the touchpad on the DualShock 4, Gaikai, accessing one’s digital games library on separate PS4 consoles, upcoming PS Vita titles, PS4 rmeote play on the Vita, Gaikai, the new Trophies system and much much more. Stay tuned for more details as we head into Gamescom, which is scheduled to take place from August 21st to 25th.

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