Sony Puts Out A Video To Celebrate 5 Years of PS4 in Europe

Some very interesting stats also shared in this video.

The PS4 has now completed five years in Europe (it launched there a couple of weeks after it launched in the US), and to commemorate the occasion, Sony has put out a video celebrating the five years of adventures the PS4 has provided to its players in that period.

The video shows off footage from some games, including Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War, WipEout: Omega Collection, Spider-Man, and Uncharted 4, interspersing it with some very interesting statistics about just how much those games have been played, or other things players have collectively accomplished in them. The statistic that stands out the most to me is the Platinum Trophy in Bloodborne—the hardest Trophy in a famously hard game was earned by 630,000 people, which is 630,000 people more than I would have expected. They are brave people, far braver than I, anyway. I was just happy finishing the game.

It’s been five great years, and if this year is anything to go by, the PS4 is only going from strength to strength, and is nowhere close to being done yet. Here’s hoping to an excellent 2019 as well.
