Sony Thinks Nintendo Should Stop Bashing 3D With Glasses, and That The Two Companies Should Work Together To Promote 3D

After probably having a Guiness record registered in their name for the most incessant bashing of their competition ever, Sony has expressed its disapproval of Nintendo’s emphasis on the 3DS’ ability to display 3D graphics without 3D glasses, and its constant implication of its alleged superiority.

In an interview with IGN, president of Sony’s Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida stated that both Sony and Nintendo had a vision of 3D gaming, and that the two copmanies should work together for the promotion of the newest format, as opposed to Nintendo continually stressing on the purported superiority of 3D, and fragmenting the market with two perceived different standards.

“I have hope that they have a broader perspective with 3D,” Yoshida said. “When you listen to what they are saying about the effect of 3D perspective to the games, they are saying the same message we are, but they don’t have to bash some small part of what the other company is doing.

“I think as an industry we should preach this new perspective together, from a very large cinema screen to a small portable, because that helps advancing the games and the game industry. We’d like to work together to promote 3D.”

While he admitted he hadn’t played the 3DS yet, Yoshida was quick to the defense of 3D with glasses.

“If you really want a big theater experience, of course you have to wear glasses,” he said. “With the latest technology, the glasses are light and you kind of forget you’re wearing them after awhile.”

Of course, now that the 3DS has been unveiled, and looks set to totally kick the PSP’s add (in spite of that absolutely asanine ad campaign they’ve got), Sony would want to work with Nintendo.

Personally, I see this as a bit hypocritical: Sony has always been at the forefront of bashing the competition, whether it was by proclaiming the DS to be only for kids and little girls, or by talking crap about the Wii and its motion controls, and then going on to rip off the hardware to a tee, and even when they spent half their E3 conference simply calling out on the competition. Seriously, Sony, this reeks of a total lack of sportsman spirit. You can dish it, but you can’t take it, huh?
