So, Sony just dropped the bomb.
The mega-publisher has posted a video on YouTube that tantalizingly teases a MAJOR announcement for February 20th, which is now just 19 days away. The video, interestingly, has been titled “See The Future.”
The video shows the X, Square, Triangle and O buttons of the PlayStation family in teasing fashion, and ends with the date words Feb 20th 2013 plastered on the screen.
Everyone’s been predicting a PS4 and Xbox 720 reveal for some time before E3, so this perfectly fits that conjecture. With an announcement for the PS4 right now, Sony would have a lot of time to market and hype the console before showing some actual details and maybe revealing a few key titles on E3.
It’s almost completely certain that this is a PS4 reveal, but in the off chance that it isn’t, what do you guys think it will be?
Tell us what you think in the comments section below.