Sony UK Announces PS4 FIFA 15 Bundle for £330

The Xbox One £330 bundle also seems to be a temporary discount offer.

After Microsoft released an Xbox One console bundle with Sunset Overdrive that would retail for £330, Sony has announced its own PS4 bundle with the game for the same price. This means that the PS4 is now available for the same price as the Xbox One, albeit for a short time. Since the Xbox One managed to outsell the PS4 this week with the bundle, it only makes sense for Sony to respond this way. You can find the £330 PS4 bundle on Amazon.

Don’t expect the Xbox One to be permanently discounted though. A spokesperson for Microsoft stated to GameSpot that, “We are always looking at ways to offer the best value for our customers. This is a UK-only retail promotion which coincides with our upcoming releases including Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Halo: The Master Chief Collection.” So it’s very likely the price will go back to normal once the last of the big releases is out.

Thoughts on the price cut for the PS4 though? Let us know in the comments.

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