Sony’s PhyreEngine Now Supports Nintendo Switch

Sony's engine is now running on Nintendo's platform.

Sony’s stance towards the Switch so far has been rather surprising- not only has the company openly admitted the Switch is an additive influence to the industry that they can no longer ignore, but, via their Unties label, they have also put out a game on the platform- and now, their middleware engine, PhyreEngine, also supports the Switch.

This should come as no surprise to anyone- Dragon Quest Builders was built using that engine, and the game is out on Nintendo Switch in a few weeks. Unless it was ported to an altogether new engine, it follows that the engine would have to support Nintendo’s new console as well.

This, plus the fact that the engine already supports non Sony platforms- prior to the Switch, it was already available on Xbox 360 and Xbox One, plus iOS and Android- so this isn’t exactly out of character for Sony, either. Dragon Quest Builders launches on the Switch in February.


dragon quest buildersnintendo switchphyreenginesonySquare Enix