Spencer Teasing More Xbox First Party Games Coming to PC

The quest to build a consolidated Microsoft ecosystem continues.

Microsoft has already had a great showing at GDC this year- they’ve shown off some great independent games for the Xbox One, adding some significantly big names to the console’s lineup, they demonstrated their commitment to PC gaming, they showed off their APIs such as Direct X 12- and all of this was done in the aim, according to Xbox head honcho Phil Spencer, to create a unified Microsoft ecosystem.

For the first time ever, Spencer pointed out at GDC, all the components at Microsoft are coming together to deliver a cohesive experience for gamers. He reassured everyone in attendance that Microsoft was dedicated to trying to make Windows 10 the best OS for games and gamers, and also reiterated his commitment to expanding Microsoft’s first party, since Xbox’s long term success, in his words, relies on a strong first party. He also teased that going forward, most first party games on Xbox One would also appear on PC.

He definitely said all the right things- I just hope that he can follow through on what he said, is all.

GDCMicrosoftPhil Spencerwindows 10Xbox One