Spider-Man PS4 Might Not Have Existed Without Sony’s Involvement, Creative Director Says

"This game would not exist if it wasn't for PlayStation.”

Spider-Man on PS4 is making waves around the world, thanks to it being probably the best video game adaptation we have had for the world’s most popular superhero. However, the only reason the game exists at all is because of Sony’s involvement- short of that, it is entirely possible that the game would never have come out at all.

Speaking to Kinda Funny Games, creative director on Spider-Man Brian Intihar said that it was thanks to the full creative freedom given to the developers by Sony and PlayStation that let the game exist in the form that it does, fully crediting them for the game releasing.

“This game would not exist if it wasn’t for PlayStation, if not for their support,” Intihar stated. “Any time I wanted to do something, and I wanted to make some drastic change, it was just like, ‘Okay’. I never heard about anything. It was just like, ‘Go do it.’ The question was, ‘Is it gonna make the game better?’ and I’d say, ‘Yep’, and they’d go, ‘Okay’, and that would be the last time I’d hear about it.”

Sony, of course, has been incredibly supportive of its developers and partners, which is why they have such an enviable slate of varied exclusives—they respect their developers, and let them make the creative calls they want to make without interfering, while also not forcing a franchise model on them. It’s great to see that their attitude has continued to churn out so many great games for them.

Insomniac Gamesmarvelps4sonySpider-Man