Star Citizen – Check Out Mark Hamill In Squadron 42’s Cutscene

Accomplished actor Mark Hamill to voice in ambitious game? The team must feel some pride.

Mark Hamill has taken on many roles over the years, and now the actor is playing as Lt. Cmdr Steve Colton in the upcoming single player for Star Citizen. Cloud Imperium Games showed off a full cutscene featuring the actor as a mentor character to the player, as they both head out on a mission for Squadron 42.

Hamill brings the gruff flight commander to life through his performance, giving the impression of a man who has been through some tough bombing runs and truly gruesome wars that might have happened among the stars. The edge gives Colton the feel of experience and the presence of a man who has earned his position.

You can check out the video for yourself just below, and get excited for a larger reveal of Squadron 42 very soon, where we’ll hopefully learn a launch date for the campaign. Thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.

Cloud Imperium GamespcStar Citizen