Star Citizen Video Details Exotic Ships, Top Gear-Style

They certainly are pretty.

Ships are a big part of Cloud Imperium’s Star Citizen – just look at how much they retail for in real world money – and they look pretty damn cool. To celebrate the fourth anniversary of Star Citizen’s crowd-funding campaign, the developer released a new video which looks at some of the exotic ships that can be acquired in-game.

The presentation comes courtesy of reporter Jax McCleary of Galactic Tour who’s presentation bears more than a passing resemblance to Top Gear’s Jeremy Clarkson. If it works, then why not go for it? Plus, we get to see how ships like the Prowler and Mustang look.

Star Citizen has been in development for quite a while. Its single-player campaign “Squadron 42” was to release this year but faced another delay. Expect it out next year with a release schedule of sorts to come from the developer soon. What do you think of the ships showcased? Let us know in the comments below.

Cloud Imperium GamespcStar Citizen