Star Wars Battlefront 2 Developer Committing To Continuous Updates Every 2 Weeks

It is a dark time for the Empir...Electronic Arts.

The internet’s current whipping boy, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has been causing something of backlash for EA this week. It’s not hard to see why gamers got a bit annoyed by their favourite characters being stuck behind a 40 hour grind and being told it’s for a sense of pride and accomplishment.

However, they’re bringing out more information through Youtube channel ‘BattlefrontUpdates’ with DICE Associate Design Director, Dennis Brannvall. In the video below, Brannvall claims that players can expect another look into the progression systems which have received so much ire from the Star Wars Battlefront community over the past week, and get it in line with what fans expected to begin with.

Players can also expect patches to the game every two weeks, though he wasn’t specific as to if these are title updates or server side hotfixes.

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