Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Gets Some Striking Concept Art Showcasing Jakku, Death Star, And More

Pretty pretty.

Star Wars Battlefront 2, the upcoming sequel to the 2015 game, has instantly shot up the most anticipated games lists for most players worldwide, in spite of its predecessor being considered disappointing in many quarters. The reason for this is the general dose of hype that the Star Wars name brings with it to the table, but also the fact that it simply looks so good- it looks like DICE has heeded the feedback and criticism the first game received.

To continue fuelling your hype, make sure to check out this brand new concept art for Battlefront 2, which shows off many iconic locales and locations from the franchise, including Jakku and the Death Star.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 will launch later this year, in November, on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game wil span all three eras (Prequel, Original Trilogy, New Trilogy), and will also have a single player campaign following the trials and tribulations of a soldier of the fallen Empire.


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