Star Wars Battlefront 2 Will Get More But Smaller Content Updates, DICE Says

This should hopefully lead to shorter waits.

DICE used to be known for its exemplary post launch support for its titles- in fact, it single handedly managed to turn the perception of games such as Battlefield 3 and 4, which both had troubled launches, around with some excellent and persistent post launch content and updates.

In recent years, we have see them faltering on that front- Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefield Hardline, and last year’s Battlefield 1 feel less worse supported than their older games. With the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront 2, however, it sounds like they will be changing their approach.

Posting on Reddit, DICE’s Level Designer petervesti noted that the company will be releasing more, but smaller in size, content updates for the game over time this time around. “It won’t be the same as Battlefield 1 for sure. There will be much more but smaller content updates etc. Hopefully it will feel like there’s more stuff going on – on a regular basis rather than waiting months for another huge content drop,” he said.

This is an approach that has become increasingly popular in recent years- an approach adopted by Bungie for Destiny, by 343 for Halo, and even by Nintendo for Splatoon. Hopefully, this can alleviate the long waits for new content that characterized some of those early months after Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s release.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC this November- if you need help getting hyped for it, maybe you can check out the latest trailer for the game here.

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