Star Wars Battlefront Credits Earned In-Game, Microtransactions “Not Part of Core Design”

Playing the game and completing challenges is the only way to earn credits.

EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront is out next month and has already been raising some concerns with its two-tier currency system that allows you to earn points and spend credits for some of the better weapons in the game. This usually a prelude to microtransactions but design director Niklas Fegraeus of DICE Stockholm clarified that this wasn’t the case.

In an interview with GameSpot, Fegraeus said that, “The currency system is based on your game performance. The credits that you use to buy things in the game are earned. You play the game, complete challenges, and that’s how you get credits.” He further added that this was “absolutely” the only way to credit credits.

Regarding concerns of the two-tier system leading to microtransactions down the line, Fegraeus said, “Yeah, that’s not part of the core design of how it works. This is a progression system based on your gameplay performance.”

It wouldn’t be surprising if microtransactions were implemented into Battlefront – PopCap’s Plants vs. Zombies, another popular EA franchise, has had them for years especially in the Garden Warfare franchise. Of course, it’s possible that Battlefront doesn’t include them as well. Thoughts? Let us know in the comments.

Star Wars: Battlefront releases on November 17th for North America and November 20th in Europe for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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