Star Wars Battlefront Death Star DLC Out on September 20th

For Season Pass owners that is.

Star Wars Battlefront fans who conveniently own the Season Pass can look forward to the release of the Death Star DLC on September 20th. There will also be a double XP weekend to celebrate the launch.

Along with five new maps centered on the Death Star, there will be a new mode called Battle Station wherein players take part in a reenactment of Luke Skywalker’s trench run during Episode IV: A New Hope. Whether Luke succeeds and destroys the Death Star or is taken down by Imperial Forces is all up to you.

The DLC will also include two new heroes – Chewbacca and Bossk, the former possessing a bowcaster with multi-shot ability and able to buff his teammates nearby while the latter has thermal vision for allied units on the battlefield. More information will be offered as time goes by.

Star Wars Battlefront’s Death Star DLC will arrive two weeks later for non-Season Pass owners (October 4th essentially). What are your thoughts on the new DLC? Let us know in the comments.

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