Star Wars Battlefront Dev “Really Scared” in the Beginning

GM Patrick Bach believed the property to be "too intimidating".

DICE has had some favourable impressions for Star Wars Battlefront since E3 2015 showcased the first ever gameplay footage. However, when DICE GM Patrick Bach and his team were first approached about making the game, they were scared. This is to be expected – of the many franchises in the past few decades, Star Wars has perhaps inspired the biggest backlash among fans.

Speaking to the Guardian, Bach said that, “When we were asked to do this we were really scared. We thought, no, this is too intimidating.

“And we had enough in our pipeline to be able to say no. But on the other hand, your heart is screaming yes! Because of course you want to make a Star Wars game. We just thought, okay, we’ll figure it out as we go.”

Thus far it’s worked out, though there has been criticism for certain elements like the lack of a campaign mode, similarities to Battlefield and much more. Star Wars Battlefront will release in November for PC, Xbox One and PS4.

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