Star Wars: Battlefront Dev Says It Is Getting ‘The Maximum Out of PS4 Hardware’

'We're getting more familiar with the hardware.'

Star Wars: Battlefront is going to be releasing later this year, as the first major Star Wars game in years, the first Battlefront game in almost a decade, and also the other major star Wars event of the year, alongside the release of Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

Developers DICE have alternately been hyping the game up, and trying to put out fires that its reveal has caused among long time series fans, and in the latest episode of the PlayStation Blogcast, they talked about their experience of bringing the game on the PS4, and how the hardware has helped them sculpt the game that they want.

“It’s been going pretty well, I would say,” they said. “This is DICE’s second game out on the next gen consoles and out on PS4. We learned a lot on the previous title, BF4, and now we’re at the place that we feel like we’re getting more familiar with the hardware. We’re getting better results, we’re having a good collaborations with the engineers at Sony.

“I’d say we’re really being able to, as I think our gameplay video shows… We’re really able to get the maximum out of the hardware, and really able to sort of harness that power.”

Star Wars: Battlefront launches later this year on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

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