Star Wars: Battlefront DLC Will Have New Universes, Weapons

The first piece of DLC is something referenced in the new movie.

Those who have seen the new trailer for the first piece of Star Wars: Battlefront DLC are likely pretty excited the game is coming in just a few weeks. Those who are thinking about thinking or have already purchased the game’s DLC season pass should be plenty excited as well. That excitement stems from the recent announcement that detailed what people can expect when they purchase the DLC or the DLC season pack.

Electronic Arts’ Chief Operating Officer (COO) Peter Moore talked about what EA and DICE are going to be offering in a recent earnings call. While the game centers around the first three movies that were released, the DLC is going to be bringing some aspects from the prequel trilogy and Moore seemed to hint there will eventually be some stuff from the newest films. “What we’ve announced is four extra packs over the next 12-18 months coming post launch. You’ll see new universes, you’re gonna see new player actions, obviously new weaponry as well.” Moore said on the call.

Moore added that the company has seen some sales projections that have EA and DICE quite excited for the future, though he added he and his cohorts don’t want to get too cocky when it comes to how popular the game is going to be. The first piece of DLC, The Battle of Jakku has just been announced as a piece of DLC that will be free to everyone though people who preordered the game will get it first. Star Wars: Battlefront is due out on November 17, 2015.

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