Star Wars: Battlefront Gets Awesome Deluxe Edition Boxart


Star Wars: Battlefront, the DICE and EA helmed revival of the popular series of action games based on the Star Wars franchise (no shit), has gotten what might be the best incentive to pick up a Deluxe Edition of a game- awesome, exclusive boxart.

You can see the boxart above- it looks far better and more imaginative than boxart for any recent, non Nintendo game that I can imagine, to be honest. Of course, the boxart will not be the only reason you will want to buy the Deluxe Edition- the Deluxe Edition of the game unlocks five in-game items: DL-44 blaster, Ion Grenade, Ion Torpedo, Ion Shock and Victory.

Star Wars: Battlefront launches on Xbox One, PS4, and PC on December 8. The game is expected to be thoroughly showcased at EA’s E3 press conference next week. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news, coverage and information on the game.

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