Star Wars Battlefront Getting Private Matches

About time!

Star Wars Battlefront launched in an embarrassing state last November- for a modern day online shooter, it launched with no native voice chat, no private matchmaking, a complete paucity of content, and generally, a shockingly barebones state. The content part is going to be addressed with extensive post launch support in the form of DLC, but the lack of some basic features for a modern shooters remains a sticking point.

Some of those, however, are apparently going to be patched in with a new update, according to Reddit user Exsound, who used the private EA Brasil video that leaked information about upcoming free DLC for Battlefront yesterday to uncover more information about what might be next for the game. Among the features that will be added to the game are private matches (finally!), and more daily challenges and community events. Still no news on the offline mode we’ve been waiting for, but hey- baby steps.

This goes a long way towards making Battlefront a game I might actually want to play- the fact that setting up matches for just me and my friends is actually possible now is pretty great news. It just sucks that it wasn’t possible back when, you know, the game launched, like it should have been.

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