Star Wars: Battlefront Matchmaking System Geared Towards Making Things Fun And Fair

The matchmaking system is supposed to avoid matching up newbies and veterans.

As we get ever closer to the beta for Star Wars: Battlefront and then the eventual release of the game, we’re getting more information about the game. Of course, some of the information is not all that good, as there are rumors the game is a “complete mess” just weeks before its set to hit stores. Whether or not that’s the case, we also know that the game is taking its approach to multiplayer a bit different than other games.

Battlefront  won’t feature a multiplayer server browser, but will depend on a skill-based matchmaking system. Design Director Niklas Fegraeus sat down with PC Gamer to better explain how this server issue was going to work. ““The nature of the matchmaker that we have is to just ensure that people have a fair and even playground. That’s the thing. We want all Star Wars fans to be able to play this game and have a good time, and in doing that, we want to make sure that whenever players jump in, they get matchmade to players of their own level, their own skill, so they can have fun and a fair playing field. That’s a really important thing when it comes to the quality of experience for the wide audience of Star Wars fans out there.” He said.

Should this matchmaking system work the way EA intends, it will mean that newbies will rarely get matched up against skilled veterans. That will be a welcome change from some other games where those new to a game face off against high level players who feast on taking down the less talented. We’ll have to wait and see if the system actually works the way it’s supposed to. Star Wars: Battlefront is due out on November 7, 2015.

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