Star Wars Battlefront, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Coming to EA Access Vault

EA Sports UFC 2 also due.

The Vault for EA/Origin Access is set to grow by the end of the year. The publisher has announced that Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Star Wars Battlefront and EA Sports UFC 2 will be added to the Vault in the coming months. They haven’t been dated specifically however.

Being added to the Vault means anyone with an EA/Origin Access subscription can play these games indefinitely without fear of them being removed. There will be more games incoming though. EA also continues to offer free games through Origin with its On The House promotion, which recently brought Dungeon Keeper to the PC.

If you own EA Access, you can also play a number of Xbox Live Arcade titles like Heavy Weapon, Bejeweled 2/3, Feeding Frenzy 1/2 and Zuma.

What are your thoughts on EA/Origin Access and the games available? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information on when you can expect some of the bigger Vault additions.

DICEEAEA AccessEA Sports UFC 2Mirror's Edge CatalystOrigin AccesspcStar Wars: BattlefrontXbox One