Star Wars: Battlefront – New Video Shows First Person And Third Person Footage

The force is strong within this diary.

At its official announcement, Star Wars: Battlefront instantly shot to the top of most anticipated games lists, such is the power of the Star Wars brand, and the nostalgia people hold for the original Battlefront games. If you are one of those people who are thirsting for more information about the upcoming game, then you are in luck- DICE have released a new developer diary for the title, which not only gives us more information and takes us in depth behind the development of the game, but also shows off some new footage.

The gameplay footage in particular is really interesting- we not only get to see just new gameplay footage, we also get to see a split screen shot showcasing first person and third person footage (and giving us our first tangible proof that both points of view will be returning in the game).

Star Wars: Battlefront is due out later this year. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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