Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC Features Classic Film Characters

Greedo lives!

DICE has finally announced some new information on Outer Rim, the first paid expansion for Star Wars Battelfront.

The Outer Rim will bring two new playable characters from the classic film franchise, namely Greedo and Nien Nunb, and new maps like Sullust and Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine. You’ll even be able to battle near his sail barge, albeit in the garage.

The DLC will also include a new multiplayer mode with Extraction where Rebels will need to extract shipments of resources. Obviously the Empire will try to stop them.

New weapons with the expansion will include the Relby V-10 rifle and a DT-12 blaster pistol. Equipment will include a Scatter Gun and Dioxis Grenade along with Adrenaline Stim as a new Star Card.

The release date for the expansion hasn’t been announced yet but it will be available to Season Pass owners. Thoughts on the content? Let us know in the comments.

DICEDLCEAOuter Rimpcps4Star Wars: BattlefrontXbox One