Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim DLC Receives Free Trial on May 13th

Trial lasts till May 15th and offers access to DLC content.

If you purchased Star Wars Battlefront on any platform but never got around to trying out the paid DLC, then this weekend will be your chance. The Outer Rim DLC will be available for free on PC, PS4 and Xbox One from May 13th to May 15th.

Along with Extraction Mode, you’ll be able to play as two new heroes in the form of Nien Nunb and Greedo across four new maps. The Hutt Contracts specific to Outer Rim will not be available though.

Star Wars Battlefront has quite a bit more content coming in – the next paid DLC is Bespin and will be out in June. The pack will likely feature maps from Lando Calrissian’s home turf in the clouds.

This also won’t be the last Battlefront title. EA recently announced that new Battlefront titles are in development which will feature content from the new movies. Thoughts on this? Let us know in the comments.

DICEDLCEAOuter Rimpcps4Star Wars: BattlefrontXbox One