Star Wars Battlefront Paris Games Week Trailer Looked Like Something From The Movies

The empire strikes back.

Sony had a brand new trailer for the upcoming DICE and EA reboot of the classic Star Wars action game franchise, Star Wars: Battlefront. The trailer looked absolutely amazing, and in spite of my active misgivings regarding the game, based on my time spent playing it pre-release, I couldn’t help but get hyped- the trailer, with its great graphics, amazing use of the classic soundtrack, and great cutscenes and editing, looked like something right out of the classic movies.

Whether or not Battlefront is an actually competent shooter is at this point almost irrelevant- it looks and sounds the part, and comes off as a total and complete love letter to Star Wars fans, which is what will probably sell the game at this point.

Star Wars Battlefront launches next month for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news and information coming to us right out of Paris Games Week.

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