Star Wars: Battlefront PS4 Digital Players Having Problems Accessing The Game

EA claims rebooting will fix the problem.

Now that Star Wars: Battlefront has officially launched, it shouldn’t be a big surprise that some users have found some rather big bugs. In particular, there have been a number of PS4 users who have run into trouble trying to access the game. A post on the game’s official website has said EA has gotten a number of complaints from purchasers of both the digital deluxe and ultimate editions are claiming they cannot access or play the game.

Specifically, the error message that has popped up most often is the one that says,“To use this application, you must update it. To check the download status of the update file, select [Notifications] > [Downloads] (CE-34623-8)’.” The company has said that as long as people are able to reboot their consoles that should fix the problem in the short term. In the long term the company is looking at what is actually generating this message and looking to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

If that doesn’t work, Sony Support has come up with another solution where the users can restore their licenses by going to Settings > PlayStation Network/Account Management, and then selecting Restore Licenses. Users should then fully shut down/restart their system after restoring their licenses, and ensuring it is a full shutdown and not entering the PS4’s Rest Mode. Star Wars: Battlefront is now available for the PS4, PC and Xbox One but before you run out to buy it, check out our review in order to weigh your options.

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