Whereas the original Star Wars: Battlefront games are primarily known for their excellent third person modes, a lot of people were fairly worried that the games might force a shift to first person shooting once it was announced that DICE had taken over the reigns for the reboot, rather than allowing players a choice.
All of that, it seems, was pointless speculation. Electronic Arts and DICE’s newest tease for the game pretty much confirms that the title will in fact have third person mode too- in fact, DICE flat out confirms that the teased image is using in game assets. But if that were not enough, then a user on NeoGAF who goes by the name of user yohan12, confirmed that the game will include a third person and first view point, both, and the option to switch. He couldn’t say more, because of an NDA he has signed, but for mow, that is enough.
Star Wars: Battlefront gets its full reveal this Friday. Stay tuned.