Star Wars: Battlefront Won’t Have Classes, XP Unlocks Shared With Partners

Share your XP-unlocked equipment with friends or pool resources together.

DICE’s Star Wars: Battlefront has attracted its fair share of criticism since its official reveal but the developer has remained steadfast in its desire to distinguish it from the Battlefield franchise. To that end, design director Niklas Fegraeus told OXM (via GamesRadar) that there wouldn’t be any classes or load-outs to restrict players.

This means you can equip whichever equipment you like and pick up new choices through XP unlocks. There won’t be Squads in Battlefront either – you’ll have a partner which will spawn on you and can be tracked through the HUD.

XP unlocks are also shared between partners, meaning you can either work together to unlock different items or even lend some expensive equipment to a new player.

It’s an intriguing change, especially considering the customization that DICE has promised on top of this.

Star Wars: Battlefront is out on November 17th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What are your thoughts on many of the departures from genre convention? Let us know in the comments.

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