Now that the beta for Star Wars: Battlefront is up and running, there have been a number of questions forming out of what players have seen. In particular, there have been some issues with a partner being able to actually spawn back into the game in the middle of combat. There have been some people on Twitter who have actually hit up the development team about this development, with a request that it should stop.
To the team’s credit, and hopefully to the credit of the finished product, Dennis Brännvall was the first of the team to respond on Twitter to these comments and he responded with “agreed, no partner spawn if in combat.” This would seem to at least hint that the spawning is not intentional and it won’t be included in the finished product. There is another thing that recently popped up when it came to the beta that has really gotten some people’s attention. A Reddit thread recently brought up the fact that a user actually spotted a map of Endor on a loading screen.
This led to people guessing at there being some added content in the last few days of the Beta. The development team was quick to squash this rumor, saying the map wasn’t being added and that furthermore there isn’t going to be any new content added in the Beta. Now that we know all of that, perhaps DICE and EA can spend their time fixing resolution issues that have popped up on both the Xbox One and PS4. Star Wars: Battlefront will officially releases on November 17, 2015.