Star Wars Battlefront’s Final Expansion Gets A Trailer

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Support for Star Wars: Battlefront (at least support under its Season Pass- as with all DICE games, it is likely to be supported with free updates and content for a long time to come) is coming to an end with its final expansion, Rogue One: Scarif, which will be launching next week.

The expansion, which ties into the upcoming Star Wars: Rogue One movie as the name may suggest, will also include the previously announced game mode with space and ground combat, in addition to four new maps and Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic as playable heroes.

The DLC will be available next week for absolutely free for Season Pass owners- non Season Pass owners will have to wait another two weeks to have the privilege of being able to give EA and DICE their money for more piecemeal content.

I jest. Anyway, you can check out the trailer, which doesn’t have a shred of gameplay footage, below. Star Wars Battlefront is available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

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