Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Dev Explains Why It’s A Single Player Game

Respawn's upcoming action-adventure title wants to "let players immerse themselves inside Star Wars."

A lot has been said about the single player nature of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a game that completely eschews multiplayer and microtransactions. Developers Respawn Entertainment have had lot to say about its story and the focus it places on narrative, but why exactly is it that a game being published by EA – and being developed by a studio owned by them – decided to take that route?

According to narrative lead Aaron Contreras, while speaking on the latest episode of Inside Xbox (which you can view below), as per Respawn, a single player experience was the best fit for a Star Wars game, as in their view, what audiences want from Star Wars game is something only single player games can deliver properly.

“When we look at Star Wars and we look at what people want out of a Jedi-focused game, it’s the story,” Contreras said. “It’s the battle of light and darkness, it’s falling in love with a character and the setting in a world or worlds inside Star Wars and just going on an amazing adventure. And we felt we could best serve that demand with a single-player game that really just let players kind of immerse themselves inside Star Wars.”

Even though the focus of Fallen Order is completely on its story and there are no multiplayer modes to speak of, recently we learned that the game will have some sort of optional online elements in play.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is out on November 15 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Head on over here to find out where Respawn chose the period between Episodes 3 and as the setting for their game.

EApcps4respawn entertainmentStar Wars: Jedi Fallen OrderXbox One