Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Doesn’t Have Fast Travel To Encourage Exploration

A bold (and risky) design move by Respawn.

We’ve learned a lot of new things about Respawn Entertainment’s upcoming Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order in recent days, from its approach to difficulty, to its progression, to the locations we’ll be visiting in the game, and more. Another new detail that’s recently emerged is also one that not all players might like- the game won’ have a fast travel system.

Rather than being able to jump from point to point, players will have to find alternate paths or shortcuts in the environment. If you want to head from one planet to the other – which you can do whenever you want – you’ll have to walk all the way back to where your ship landed.

It’s become clear by now that Fallen Order is a game that will have multiple planets to explore, and that each of these will be pretty big areas. Exploration – given the game’s metroidvania design philosophy – is clearly going to be a huge focus in the game. In fact, it is to double down on that aspect in particular that the game eschews having a fast travel system.

“A lot of the game is traversal, re-traversal, and exploration,” producer Blair Brown explained to US Gamer. “Not having fast travel encourages the player to go off the beaten path; find quick routes, and master the level. Also as you play through you’ll see some stuff that you wouldn’t if you fast traveled through the critical path every time.”

It’s quite an interesting design choice – one that could potentially displease various players – but if Respawn can nail the exploration aspects of the game, it might prove to be a smart decision.

We’ll find out soon enough on way or another. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has wrapped up development, and will be out for the Xbox One, PS4, and PC on November 15.

EApcps4respawn entertainmentStar Wars: Jedi Fallen OrderXbox One