Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is packed full of things to find and unlock, and Cal’s BD-1 companion is no exception. As you play through the story, BD-1 will have certain functions already available like the Holomap. However, pretty soon you’ll need others like the Scomp Link to open doors. So how do you unlock the Scomp Link?
First, head to Zeffo. You need to complete the Tomb of Eilram since this grants Force Push as an ability. Head to the Weather Monument on the same planet and look for a cracked door (which should be green on the Holomap). Use Force Push to break it down. Jump through the opening and take a left until you find a grate.
Hop over the grate and before you know it, you’ll find a workbench to upgrade BD-1 and get the Scomp Link. Attack of the Fanboy has a more detailed step-by-step video guide below in case you get lost.
Another unlock that’s more of a nice extra than anything else is the Bogling companion. You’ll need to find the Bogling Studies first (check the guide below). After that, make sure you have Force Push and go to Bogoloa. Travel outside of the Mantis to the right where a spiraling path awaits. You’ll see a Bogling that runs off upon seeing you.
Head down until you see a crumbled door – break this open with Force Push. You’ll find the Bogling and Cal will convince it to stay on the ship. Head back to the Mantis and the Bogling should be part of your crew. You may have trouble finding him at times so try checking under the Holomap table or in the grates for its large cutesy eyes.