Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Version RAM Requirements Get Revised

Respawn dials back the rather huge recommended requirements.

The first major single player Star Wars game in years, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, is almost here. Earlier we got a look at what kind of rig PC players are going to have to run the game. It was mostly normal stuff, outside the RAM that was required on the recommended setting. You can see through here that the recommended RAM requirement was whopping 32 GB. Well, it seems that’s been revised to something a little more manageable.

It seems EA and Respawn have dialled back that recommended RAM setting back by half, now saying that it’s recommended to have 16 GB of RAM. That change has been reflected on the Origin page as well, which you can see here.

16 GB is much closer to what one would expect for a modern title. Everything else seems to have remained the same, with only the RAM being changed. That’s a sigh of relief for those hoping to play the game without having to upgrade their rig when the game releases on November 15th.

electronic artspcrespawn entertainmentStar Wars: Jedi Fallen Order