Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order’s Gameplay Needs Determined Timeline Placement

The post-Order 66 setting arose out of Respawn's desire to create a story where you're "up against it all".

To the surprise of many, in spite of being game being made under EA’s watchful eye, Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is completely shedding the multiplayer and microtransaction trappings we see in the AAA space so commonly these days, and instead placing the utmost emphasis on narrative.

But though story is very important in the upcoming action-adventure title, Respawn have of course been paying a lot of attention to the gameplay side of things as well. So much so, in fact, that the game’s setting in the time period after Revenge of the Sith – with you playing as an on-the-run Padawn – arose from what sort of gameplay Respawn wanted in their title.

“There were some needs we had – from a gameplay standpoint – that lead us to the time period that [Fallen Order is set in],” game director Stig Asmussen told IGN in an interview (which you can view below). “Obviously one of them is being a Jedi with Force powers, but also this idea of [being] up against it all. Post-Order 66 fits so naturally, and it didn’t take us that long to arrive there.”

Respawn have spoken plenty about Fallen Order’s gameplay – specifically about its combat – in recent days, in spite of not being ready to show gameplay footage from the game yet. While the combat system is one with depth and varied mechanics, the developers have been quick to push away comparisons with Dark Souls– stealth, meanwhile, also isn’t much of factor in the game.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is out on November 15th for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

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