Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Guide – All Skills And What Are The Best Ones

A complete guide on everything skills related in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

There are 75 Skills to be unlocked in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor split across 3 Skill Trees within 9 Skill Sub Trees. While there is no absolute level cap in the game, achieving supremacy in every Skill will likely take multiple playthroughs or significant XP farming. The following guide to Skills should help you make an informed decision on which ones to prioritize.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Skills

Survival Skills Tree (1)

Resilience Skills Sub Tree (9)

Survival Skills

Cal’s maximum Life is increased.

1 Skill Point

Focused Sight

Hold <Evade|Drop> to automatically evade incoming melee attacks.

Uses Force

Unlocked by defeating The Ninth Sister in Coruscant.

2 Skill Points

Improved Stim Formula

Cal recovers additional Life when using a stim canister from BD-1.

1 Skill Point

Perfected Stim Formula

Cal recovers additional Life when using a stim canister from BD-1.

2 Skill Points


Reduces time required to heal with a BD-1 stim.

1 Skill Point

The Power of Friendship

BD-1’s stim canisters refill some Force Meter.

2 Skill Points

Improved Survival Skills

Cal’s maximum Life is increased.

2 Skill Points

Greater Reflexes

Block Meter refills faster.

1 Skill Point

Expert Survival Skills

Cal’s maximum Life is increased.

2 Skill Points

Lightsaber Skills Tree (5)

Single Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree (9)

Lunging Strike

Hold <Special Attack> to perform a long-reaching thrust attack.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Improved Footwork

Lunging Strike now reaches further.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Twofold Reflection

Press <Parry|Block> just before contact to reflect up to two blaster projectiles in a row.

1 Skill Point

Cyclone Slash

Hold <Attack> after a basic attack to perform a powerful overhead swing.

2 Skill Points

Charged Throw

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> for a stronger lightsaber throw that hits for more damage and moves a short distance through the target.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Aerial Assault

Press <Special Attack> while in the air to attack straight down at a target below.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Aerial Ace

Aerial Assault does more damage and staggers enemies hit by it.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Dash Strike

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Attack> to dash and strike a target out of normal melee range.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Aerial Dash Strike

Unlock the ability to perform Dash Strike while airborne.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Double-Bladed Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree (8)

Gathering Tempest

Hold <Attack> to deal fast strikes towards a single enemy.

1 Skill Point

Vortex Dive

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Attack> to dive forward while spinning the lightsaber.

1 Skill Point

Double Orbit

Press <Special Attack> again to perform a second lightsaber throw around Cal.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Endless Hurricane

Continue pressing <Attack> to add additional attacks to the end of the double-bladed attack chain.

1 Skill Point

Repulsing Burst

Press <Special Attack> while airborne to slam down, dealing damage in an area.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Rising Storm

Hold <Special Attack> to perform an attack that pulls enemies in a small area and takes Cal into the air.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Multifold Reflections

Hold <Parry|Block> right before blaster shots connect to reflect them back towards nearby targets.

2 Skill Points

Controlled Throw

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> to throw the lightsaber. Keep <Special Attack> held to maintain the lightsaber’s position and use the Left Analog stick to direct it around.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Dual Wield Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree (8)

Backstep Slash

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Attack> to attack and leap backwards, creating distance from the target.

1 Skill Point

Uncoiled Strikes

Delay <Attack> input to perform a flurry of quick, targeted swings.

2 Skill Points

Serpent’s Bite

Hold <Attack> through the flurry to execute a strong final overhead swing.

1 Skill Point

Focused Parry

Perform a spinning strike on releasing <Special Attack>.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Precision Release

Release <Special Attack> right as an enemy hits to perform an even more devastating follow-up attack and stagger nearby enemies.

2 Skill Points

Split Reflection

Press <Parry|Block> right before a blaster bolt hits to split the incoming bolt and reflect at an additional target.

2 Skill Points

Twin Vipers

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> then press <Special Attack> again to throw the second blade at a target to double-up damage.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Dancing Blades

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> to throw lightsabers that bounce between multiple targets.

Uses Force

3 Skill Points

Blaster Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree (7)

Flying Lunge

Hold <Attack> to close the distance to your enemy with a leaping thrust.

1 Skill Point

Blaster Cooldown

Gain additional ammunition each time you strike an enemy with the lightsaber.

1 Skill Point

Improved Clip

Increases Maximum Blaster Ammunition by three.

1 Skill Point

Energizing Flurry

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Attack> to perform a sequence of quick swings that rapidly replenishes ammunition if they connect.

Uses Force

3 Skill Points

Efficient Heat Transfer

Reduces time required to fully charge a blaster shot.

2 Skill Points

Point Blank

Hold <Special Attack> just before an enemy hits to blast them away.

1 Skill Point

Quick Draw

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> to focus and target multiple enemies at once with the blaster.

Uses Force

3 Skill Points

Crossguard Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree (8)

Rending Strike

Hold <Attack> to perform a single, high damage swing with a long windup.

1 Skill Point


Press <Special Attack> while airborne to slam into the ground, causing a shockwave.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Greater Impact

Increased shockwave range.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Greater Cleaving Swing

Reduces focus attack charge-up time.

1 Skill Point

Reaching Cleave

Increases Range of Cleaving Swing.

1 Skill Point

Sundering Swipe

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Attack> to perform a wide sweeping lightsaber attack.

2 Skill Points

Charged Reflection

Press <Parry|Block> right before a bolt makes contact to send them back a charged bolt that hits the target and nearby enemies.

1 Skill Point

Rolling Thunder

Hold <Parry|Block> and <Special Attack> to throw the lightsaber in a line through multiple enemies.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Force Skills Tree (3)

Jedi Concentration Skills Sub Tree (8)


Cal’s Maximum Force is increased.

1 Skill Point

Channelled Energy

Cal regains more Force when he defeats an enemy, and regains some Force when he hits a blocking enemy.

1 Skill Point

Swift Focus

Increase Force recovery when performing a successful Precision Evade.

1 Skill Point

Lucid Attunement

Cal’s Maximum Force is further increased.

2 Skill Points

Enlightened Attunement

Cal’s Maximum Force is further increased.

2 Skill Points

Greater Hold

Increase the duration of Slow’s effect on enemies.

1 Skill Point

Extended Hold

The first strike against enemies affected by Slow will not break the Slow effect.

3 Skill Points

Superior Hold

Further increase the duration of Slow’s effect on enemies.

1 Skill Point

Telekinesis Skills Sub Tree (11)

Wrenching Pull

Press <Pull> and <Push> to wrench groups of enemies closer together.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Twin Pull

While holding an enemy with Pull, press <Special Attack> to pull and hold a second target.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Unrelenting Pull

Hold <Pull> to affect the largest and most force-resistant enemies.

Uses Force

3 Skill Points

Radial Push

Press <Push> and <Special Attack> to push a wide area, causing multiple enemies to stagger

Uses Force

1 Skill Point

Howling Push

Hold <Push> to push enemies in a much larger radius, and with a greater effect.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Parry Rush

Press <Push> right before an enemy attacks to send them flying.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Soaring Lift

Hold <Focus|Slow> and <Special Attack> to lift your target as well as nearby enemies.

Uses Force

Unlocked in Chapter 4

2 Skill Points

Mass Slam

Hold <Focus|Slow> and <Jump> to Slam groups of enemies.

Uses Force

Unlocked in Chapter 4

2 Skill Points

Power Slam

Hold <Focus|Slow> and <Jump> for bigger hit reactions from affected enemies.

Uses Force

Unlocked in Chapter 4

2 Skill Points

Gravitational Mastery

Increase Soaring Lift and Mass Slam radius.

Uses Force

Unlocked in Chapter 4

1 Skill Point

Power Lift

Hold <Focus|Slow> and <Special Attack> to lift larger enemies.

Uses Force

Unlocked in Chapter 4

1 Skill Point

Confusion Skills Sub Tree (7)

Addled Mind

Increases the amount of time enemies will attack other enemies while Confused.

1 Skill Point

Confounded Mind

Increases the amount of time enemies will attack other enemies while Confused.

2 Skill Points

Greater Confusion

Hold <Focus|Slow> then press <Evade|Drop> after Confusing a target to Confuse an additional enemy.

Uses Force

1 Skill Point


Confused enemies deal additional damage.

2 Skill Points

Redirected Strength

Hold <Parry|Block>, then press <Focus|Slow> while holding a Pulled enemy to force them to fire their weapon. Works on humanoids only.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Superior Confusion

Successfully Confuse otherwise resistant humanoid enemies.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

Confusion Mastery

Successfully Confuse even the most resistant humanoid enemies.

Uses Force

2 Skill Points

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Resilience Survival Skills?

In the Resilience Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Survival Skills
  • Improved Survival Skills
  • Expert Survival Skills
  • Focused Sight

Survival Skills, Improved Survival Skills, and Expert Survival Skills all increase Cal Kestis’ maximum pool of Life. While Stim Canister upgrades are great to have, it is far better to have lots of HP to begin with. Focused Sight takes off some of the pressure with timing your dodges, by automatically evading incoming melee attacks.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Single Lightsaber Skills?

In the Single Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Dash Strike
  • Twofold Reflection
  • Charged Throw

Dash Strike closes the distance on enemy shooters using high mobility, while Twofold Reflection deflects additional incoming fire to assist you in doing so. Charged Throw will buff the damage done from throwing your lightsaber in a pinch.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Double-Bladed Lightsaber Skills?

In the Double-Bladed Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Vortex Dive
  • Rising Storm
  • Multifold Reflections

Vortex Dive lets you get closer to ranged targets while making you practically impervious to harm from incoming fire. Rising Storm will assist in bunching up any flankers and can be followed up with an aerial strike. Multifold Reflections combines the defensibility of Vortex Dive with the ability to redirect most of the incoming fire right back at them.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Dual Wield Lightsaber Skills?

In the Dual Wield Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Split Reflection
  • Twin Vipers
  • Dancing Blades

Split Reflection lets you double up the effect of deflecting a shot by splitting it towards one more target. Twin Viper throws the second lightsaber in addition to the primary, giving you two mid-ranged attacks in a pinch. Dancing Blades essentially pinballs both thrown lightsabers between multiple targets for a nice chain effect.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Blaster Lightsaber Skills?

In the Blaster Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Improved Clip
  • Efficient Heat Transfer
  • Quick Draw

Improved Clip is so basic that it is a no-brainer–three more rounds for your Blaster, nothing more, nothing less. Efficient Heat Transfer is an equally straight upgrade to the Blaster’s Charged shot, speeding up its recharge rate, and letting you fire it more often. Quick Draw allows for targeted crowd control by firing at multiple enemies of your choosing.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Crossguard Lightsaber Skills?

In the Crossguard Lightsaber Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Impact with Greater Impact
  • Charged Reflection
  • Rolling Thunder

Impact and its upgrade Greater Impact do great area of effect damage when confronted by masses of enemies. Charged Reflection takes any measly incoming blaster shot and charges it up, before releasing it back explosively at the target and anyone nearby. Rolling Thunder requires targets to be in a line to be completely effective, but can be devastating when it connects.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Jedi Concentration Force Skills?

In the Jedi Concentration Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Attunement
  • Lucid Attunement
  • Enlightened Attunement
  • Greater Hold

Attunement, Lucid Attunement, and Enlightened Attunement are straight, no-nonsense upgrades to your Force meter’s maximum. Greater Hold lengthens the duration of Focus Slow, giving you even more time to react.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Telekinesis Force Skills?

In the Telekinesis Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Unrelenting Pull
  • Radial Push
  • Power Lift

Unrelenting Pull upgrades Force Pull to now hold previously resistant opponents. Radial Push works in a pinch to shove away enemies that may have you encircled. Power Lift will allow you to hoist heavier creatures into the air.

What Are The Best Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Confusion Force Skills?

In the Confusion Skills Sub Tree, the top skills to unlock are:

  • Addled Mind
  • Confounded Mind
  • Greater Confusion

This particular selection of Confusion Skills offers the most bang for your buck. Addled and Confounded Mind will lengthen the time that targets are mind-controlled, while Greater Confusion ensnares another target for a total of two reluctant allies.

That was a comprehensive listing of all Skills in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Grind away till you unlock them all!

pcps5Star Wars Jedi Survivor All Skills And What Are The Best OnesStar Wars Jedi: SurvivorXbox Series SXbox Series X