Star Wars: The Old Republic Release Date Announced

EA has announced the release date for Star Wars: The Old Republic and it will be available on December 20th 2011 in North America and December 22nd in the Europe.

his is an incredible moment for everyone at BioWare and our partners at LucasArts who have dedicated their lives to build this extraordinary game. We appreciate the patience from the millions of fans who have been waiting for the game’s release,” said Dr Ray Muzyka at the Eurogamer Expo. He also announced the release date there.

Here are the subscription charges:

1 Month Subscription: $14.99 (£8.99/€12.99)
3 Month Subscription: $13.99 per month (one-time charge of $41.97/£25.17/€35.97)
6 Month Subscription: $12.99 per month (one-time charge of $77.94/£46.14/€65.94)

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.


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