Steam Users Can Try NBA 2K15 For Free This Weekend

Bounce the ball into a hoop and win it big!

Are you a fan of the bounce ball game? Yeah! Bounce the ball and win the game! 2K Games are extending a friendly offer to those of you who play your games on a PC and are in possession of a Steam Account, which, if you do play games on a PC you probably already have.

Lasting until 10AM PST on Monday the 3rd of November, gamers can get their hands on a free trial of NBA 2K15 to play around with and put through its paces. This is likely due to concerns that this game is a port of a console game and thus susceptible to performance problems. It will however should most definitely boast improved graphical fidelity lest the computer based gaming community put the boot in.

The game dropped on 8th gen platforms earlier this month and arrived on iOS as well so PC gamers are at least getting a demo before they sink their cash into it.


2k gamesNBA 2K15pcps4SteamXbox One