Star Wars: Battlefront, the next installment in the beloved Star Wars shooter series, is being developed by DICE of Battlefield and Mirror’s Edge fame, and we know that EA are at least aiming for it to be out this year (possibly around the same time as the release of Star wars: The Force Awakens). That said, we kind of don’t actually know much about it, and amazingly enough, we have seen even less of it than that.
But now, DICE and EA have gone ahead and released this gorgeous concept art for the game- while this is obviously not at all indicative of the kinds of graphics the game will have, it at least tells us the artstyle that DICE is aiming for with this release, and boy is that artstyle pretty. The concept art is set on Endor (the jungle moon from Return of the Jedi, where the Ewoks lived), and it shows us a few rebel soldiers hiding from an attack.
Star Wars Battlefront is presumably out sometime this year, on… actually, I’m not even sure if the systems it is coming out on were ever officially confirmed.
Huh. Go figure.
Thanks, IGN.