Subnautica Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough for Subnautica.

Subnautica is a survival adventure game that allows your to explore the ocean on an alien planet. As you can imagine, the planet is a hostile one and you’ll have to try your utmost best to survive. At times, the game can  be terrifying and will have you quivering in your seat as you witness the many unknown horrors that roam the ocean.

The game will have you trying to collect resources as you try to build your base, tools, and more and all the while, you’ll also have to try and stay away from the reach of dangerous monsters such as a poisonous jellyfish. You’ll also have to keep a watch on your character’s hunger and thirst level depending on what level you’re playing at.

If you’ve been looking for some help regarding where to go next in the game or how to get past a particular section, then the following video walkthrough will surely be useful to you.

Macpcsubnauticasubnautica endingSubnautica walkthroughUnknown Worlds EntertianmentXbox One