Sucker Punch joins a prestigious group of studios of Sony, headed by Shuhei Yoshida. Chris Zimmerman, Sucker Punch, co-founder reveals a lot more details about the acquisition in this interview with Gamespot.
He says that the acquisition wont affect their day-to-day operations.
“I don’t think it will have much of an effect on our day-to-day operations. Everyone that’s been here for the past dozen years is still here; we still have the same goals in mind. We’re still working on the same things. So the day-to-day isn’t going to change, I think. We’re expecting this is going to put us in a position where we can continue to work on innovative genre-defining content.”
He mentioned more as to how it all went down.
“And we’ve really enjoyed the people we work with at Sony; we enjoy the process. And we’ve enjoyed the support we’ve gotten from the corporation in terms of marketing. So every time we come back to do a new game, the decision has been obvious. We wanted to come back and do a game with our partners at Sony.”
“Why are we pretending that we’re going to do something with someone else at some point? We should just make this a permanent arrangement.”
Sucker Punch is at work on an undisclosed project, but they wouldn’t reveal whether it is Infamous 3 or something else. Expect an announcement at the next E3 expo.