Sucker Punch wants to develop inFamous 3

"We have a great relationship with Sony."

We’ve been looking forward to inFamous 3 for quite some time now, considering how good 2011’s inFamous 2 was, but we’ve received no confirmation for the game or even a hint that it might exist.

And now? Well, we still haven’t gotten any kind of confirmation, but what we do know now is that developers Sucker Punch are definitely interested in making a third game in the action adventure franchise.

However, Sucker Punch also very vaguely says that it’ll “see where we go next” and that they have a “great relationship with Sony.”

“We’ll see where we go next,” says Bruce Oberg, co-founder of the studio. “We have a great relationship with them [Sony] and adore the PlayStation platform. Not lying when I say that for us is a killer technology platform to work with. Moreover, he media, marketing, and also the approach, allowing us to make the game we want to do is really incredible.”

Well, we can certainly see an announcement in the near future. I’m sure all of us can. But will it be a third inFamous title? Or will it maybe be a PS Vita spinoff, that may or may not be developed by Sucker Punch?

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.


InFamous 2infamous 3ps3sonySucker Punch