Sunset Overdrive Could Continue, With or Without Microsoft – Insomniac

Studio still "passionate about that franchise."

Of the many launch titles witnessed in 2013 for the PS4 and Xbox One collectively, Insomniac’s Sunset Overdrive stood out as one of the best. Even till now it’s one of the highlights of the Xbox One’s library. So why hasn’t there been a sequel or continuation since the last DLC, Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines in 2015?

Speaking to Insomniac president Ted Price, Game Informer asked about the lack of a sequel. Price replied, “You’d have to ask Microsoft.”

Of course, the studio will may continue the franchise even if Microsoft isn’t involved. The key word is “may”. “We are passionate about that franchise, and we own it, so you may see more Sunset in the future from us. No promises, and no timeline to speak of, but it is something that represents our willingness to create unexpected experiences,” said Price.

Insomniac is currently working on Spider-Man for the PS4 and seasonal content for The Unspoken, its VR title. Would you like to see a Sunset Overdrive sequel anytime soon? Let us know below.

InsomniacMicrosoftSunset OverdriveXbox One