Sunset Overdrive Developer: “900p Works Perfect For Us.”

Michael Bay would indeed be proud.

Sunset Overdrive developer Insomniac Games has revealed that despite the fact that they had their game running at 1080p while developing it, they opted to decrease the game’s resolution so that they could pack more of their insane action onto the screen.

For those of you have seen Sunset Overdrive, you already know how much content and activity is stuffed into the game world, so when quizzed on why they chose to aim for 900p,  creative director Marcus Smith said “”Why would you want less action on screen? That’s insanity. 900p works perfect for us. We spent a lot of time comparing and contrasting.

“We had it running at 1080p, we’d play it; we had it running at 900p, we’d play it and they didn’t look considerably different. But the things that you could draw on screen were a lot more, and we wanted to draw a lot more on screen. More action, more better. Michael Bay would be very proud.”

But what do you make of that? Is a resolution cut worth if you get more bang for your buck? Personally, I say hell yes it is.


1080p900pInsomniac GamesSunset OverdriveXbox One