Sunset Overdrive Final DLC Pack To Launch On April Fools Day

Last DLC for Sunset Overdrive dated.

Sunset Overdrive, despite enjoying a strong release and a strong reception from players and media outlets, has fallen somewhat into the shadows recently as new titles and controversies have come onto the scene. But this hasn’t stopped developers Insomniac Games from developing more content to expanded upon the game and its world. Such is their way, even the launch date of this new content is funny in its own little way. But the DLC’s title is the real killer.

Set to drop this April 1st, April Fools Day, the Sunset Overdrive Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines DLC is going to be the last piece of add on content for the over the top hyper action game. Also, you shouldn’t forget that if you don’t yet own and Xbox One or a copy of Sunset Overdrive, you can now get the two bundled together at a lower price than ever before at a rather good value.

Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen MachinesInsomniac GamesMicrosoftSunset OverdriveXbox LiveXbox One