SuperHot VR Sells Over 2 Million Copies

SuperHot Team's VR spin-off continues to pull in the numbers.

Unorthodox first person shooter SuperHot is a fairly niche title that’s managed to find a good degree of success. Even more intriguing however is the game’s VR success. Developer SuperHot Team confirmed in a vastly under-publicized trailer that the VR version had sold over two million copies since launch.

It’s interesting because as of April 2019, all versions managed to hit two million copies sold with the VR version accounting for 800,000 copies and over $2 million earned in just seven days. These latest figures would indicate that SuperHot VR is driving sales. Which is exceptional when you consider how virtual reality gaming still isn’t very “mainstream.”

Regardless, the market for VR games has been expanding in recent years. Valve Software’s Half-Life: Alyx, which launched in March to rave reviews, is good example. Beat Saber has also done extremely well with one million copies sold as of March 2019. Time will tell how the VR player base grows though, especially with the next generation of consoles on the horizon.

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