Supremacy Mode Revealed for Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefield.

In spite of all the initial assertions and criticisms to the contrary, I think it is safe to say that one allegation cannot be leveled at Star Wars: Battlefront- that of a dearth of content. In spite of all the modes and play styles that are already confirmed for the game, we had yet another one confirmed today- Supremacy Mode.

Supremacy Mode will center on five control points scattered across the map. The objective is to gain control of all five, or the majority of them, before the 10 minute round is over. Each team starts the match controlling two of these control points, initially fighting for control of the fifth one in the center. After one team gains control of the fifth point, the other two control points need to be claimed in a set order. This means the action will be taking place on two control points at a time – one for each team. It sounds like it will be a frenetic and shifting objective based mode- quite like Splatoon’s Tower Control mode, actually.

“When you spawn into Supremacy, you don’t have to move far to see a lot of friends – and enemies. You’re thrown into a massive frontline, where your screen is filled with adversaries: infantry, Heroes, Walkers, and starfighters. You can prepare for very heavy and focused Star Wars action,” Lead Level Designer Dennis Brännvall said.

“Using a character like Darth Vader to secure control points is great, as he can take increased damage before going down. Luke Skywalker and Boba Fett are great for moving swiftly between attacking and defensive positions, and giving you the edge against opponents in battle.”

Supremacy Mode will have the largest maps that Battlefront has to offer- that, coupled with the hectic gameplay centered around moving objectives, will make it the most DICE like game mode on offer in Battlefront.

“Supremacy is a game mode that will excite fans of the Conquest mode from Battlefield. That said, we’ve made several tweaks to improve the formula. You will always spawn close to the action when you enter Supremacy, so you’ll never feel isolated from the fight. By focusing on one key point at a time, players not playing the objective and camping on a hill somewhere will be a rare sight,” Brännvall said.

Star Wars: Battlefront launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this November. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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