Switch Online Will Be Worth The Wait, Says Nintendo

Nintendo has a lot to prove for their online service

The world is still under Nintendo Switch fever and Nintendo is being careful to make sure that things stay that way. The online service was originally set to begin charging for its use back in Fall 2017, but those plans were pushed back for unknown reasons. In a recent Q&A with their investors, the company outlined the resources going into the online component and how they want to ensure the service is unique

Kimishima would not answer in specifics as to how Nintendo plans to popularize the service or what might have changed during the delay, but promises that substantial resources are being applied to make it a service that people will want to engage with. Managing Executive Officer Shinya Takahashi would add that they believe their next announcement on the service will be worth the wait.

The Nintendo Switch Online Service is now set to launch in September 2018, and will cost $20 a year. We don’t have confirmation on any other plans at this time, though there was originally talks of providing NES and SNES titles with online enhancements for subscribers. Keep it locked to Gamingbolt as more news of the Nintendo Switch online comes to light.

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