Tacoma, Black Desert, Super Lucky’s Tale, The Artful Escape, The Last Night, and Ashen Shown Off For Xbox One

These were the true stars of the show.


Microsoft showed off a lot of smaller games that will be coming to Xbox One during their presser. These included Super Lucky’s Tale, a delightfully charming looking 3D platformer that will be launching alongside the Xbox One X on November 7.Super Lucky’s Tale will actually be a follow up to the previously Oculus exclusive Lucky’s TaleBlack Desert, the MMO, will be coming to Xbox One too, as well as some other games that should be pretty appealing to fans of their styles.

These games include Tacoma, The Artful Escape, The Last Night, and Ashen, all of which will be coming to Xbox One. You can check out the trailers for each of these games for yourself below, and you can decide which ones you like for yourself.

Make sure to let us know what you think in the comments section, and stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information from E3.

E3 2017MicrosoftXbox One